Junior and Senior High Youth

Junior High Youth Group (grades 7-8) offers fellowship, Bible study, service, and worship in an atmosphere that encourages growth and exploration in faith. Monthly fellowship and service opportunities are planned along with special summer events. Many also take part in a two-year confirmation process that includes an overnight retreat, a mission/service trip each year, attendance at worship service, and field trips to other places of worship. The group is led by Pastor Glen Robyne, in partnership with excellent youth counselors.

Senior High Youth Group (grades 9-12) is a relational group open to diverse participation that helps each member grow spiritually. Special fellowship events include lock-ins, game nights, concerts and sporting events. Our emphasis on missions include local service projects, mission trips to other states, and raising support and awareness of missions in the world.

All youth (7th - 12th grade) gather on Sundays in the Sr. High Youth Room 203 at 9:45 am for a short time of praise and announcements. Afterwards the Sr. High stay in their Room 203 and the Jr. High go to their Room 208.


On Wednesdays during the school year all youth (7th - 12th grade) meet from 6-8 pm in the activities center for a devotional time, mini-service projects and lots of shenanigan games!
On most Wednesdays, all teens 7th-12th grade meet 6-8 p.m. in the activity center for devotions/lessons, mini-service projects and shenanigans!

Pastor Glen, in partnership with excellent counselors and the leadership of youth on the youth council.

The Youth Parent Council meets once a month at 12:15 pm on Sundays. The council members plays an important supportive role for both youth groups.